Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Diving Right In!

So it's best just to start blogging and go from there right?? here goes......

It's Wednesday, for many, it's the least favourite day of the week; for me, quite the opposite. Wednesday means heavy-hitter day at the Union Square Green Market and today was no exception. It's a strange season here in NYC, August tempuratures have long worn out their welcome and sweaters are impatiently waiting to be pulled from the storage bins....the only place there no complaints is at the Green Market - the late summer fruit and vegetables are lingering around to catch a glimpse of the fall harvest of root veg, apples, pears and squash - as if to tease the shopper.....'do you really want that butternut squash when this could be the last time you touch my tender, fragrant flesh until next year?' taunt the heirloom tomatoes.....the question really is not what to buy so much as what NOT to after my market routine which consists of walking around and sussing out whos got what, I decide upon some new-to-season crops and some almost out of season beauties to have one last go around with....
Migoreilli & Sons had bunches of Basil for a dollar! pungent, sweet and licoricy! - how does one pass that up??! so i came home with 2 bunches and made pesto that will last me quite some time and avoid me paying an arm and a leg in February for sub-par lacklustre an another act of preservation, I am equally stoked about the cherry tomatoes that will be roasted tomorrow night to be enjoyed over the next few weeks - a recipe I will gladly share! venture would be complete without stopping to my favourite apple guys from Milton, NY...they always let me sample and sample and sample their fruit - they have the best apples, pears and service! I bought Jonathan's, Opalescents, and Clapps Pears....(also some bagged pears & apples for juicing - I'm making cider!).....brussel sprouts, purple carrots and striped beets all found their way into my bag as well with use yet to be determined....but the week is young....

En route home from the market, my friend Rachel sent me a message about the 'Treats Truck''s basically a bakery on wheels....they are at a different spot in Manahattan daily and if you see it don't walk by, get your ass in line! A woman named Kim is the owner and pastry chef offering up classic treats like cookies in many sorts and brownies to die for....I sampled a butterscotch pecan brownie, a caramel creme sandwich cookie and raspberry brownie before going after my true calling: Peanut Butter & Chocolate Sandwich Cookie.....first of all, the size was perfect - it was a treat, not a meal that would send me into a "WHAT HAVE I DONE???!!!" guilt frenzy...secondly, the cookie itself was one of the best of the PB cookies I have had in this city - good consistency, very peanut buttery and not cloyingly sweet (I would have liked a little more salt but that's just me)...the chocolate filling was semi-sweet and a nice, firm texture against the cookie.....I love the treat truck, I want one, I think I will ask for one for christmas...

In wanting to create my own treat truck experience for myself, I decided to make some thumbprint cookies for a customer named Joe at the coffee shop I work at (I love him, he loves thumbprints, I figure it's a win-win situation)....After making a few raspberry, creativity got the better of me and away I's the recipe and what happened...

Gentle Joe's Apple-Ginger Walnut Thumbprint Cookies

3/4 c. unsalted butter, softened
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 tsp.cinnamon

3/4 c. whole wheat flour
1/8 tsp salt (or a couple of pinches)

1 cup of coarsely ground walnuts (I suppose any kind of nut would work)

Good Quality Jam, or if you are a big nerd and have left over apple pie filling from a previous catering gig, use it! (recipe follows)

In a medium size mixing bowl, cream butter sugar and cinnamon with electric mixer (hand held or kitchen aid) for about 2 minutes until light and fluffy. Scrape sides of bowl and then on low speed, gradually add flour until just combined. Stir in nuts and allow 20-30 minutes of chill time in the fridge.....

By generous teaspoon form dough into ball and then create large cavity in middle for filling. Place onto lightly greased cookie sheet about 1.5 inches apart. Drop jam into center being careful not to over-fill, and bake for until golden brown at 350 degrees, about 20 minutes. Cool on sheet before removing.

Makes about 18-20 cookies.

Apple Pie Filling:

The sweetness of the apple finishes with the mellow heat of the ginger that only intensifies the next day!

2-3 medium sized Cortland Apples, peeled, cored and cubed
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1 tbsp sugar
pinch nutmeg
2 tsp candied ginger, chopped
1 tsp. flour

Combine all ingredients and bake in shallow dish at 350 degrees until apples are soft - about 25-30 minutes. Allow to cool before using in cookes. Apple mixture keeps well in fridge for about a week in air-tight conatiner. Ginger flavour will intensify over time.

Ok, I'm calling it a night....

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